Bắc Hà to Hanoi

5 AM. Woke to the sound of the voice of Vietnam blaring down the valley from the multiple loudspeakers overlooking Bắc Hà. Although our hotel was quite some distance from the speakers there was no more sleep to be had.

The bus trip home was uneventful and two hours shorter, punctuated by a game of hockey sack on the main highway during lunch break.

Tim-CBC music director
Linda-company executive
Majella -lawyer
Sean-communications engineer
Plus us.

We were all hanging out for some foreign food-Indian-something with a little flavor. No one particularly impressed so far with the cuisine. After a beer – free for taking the tour with Red River Café tours which were excellent-bus driver very safe, we ordered pillow slips, checked and sent emails, and then met the group for dinner at the mocha cafe for Indian food and beers. Dinner was pretty expensive coming to 175,000 dong including beer and tip for the two of us about $20 Australian. A quick stroll home and water purchases, goodbye to Peter and Glenys, and to bed. We sent a load of washing to laundry for s$6 delivered in 24 hours. Will be interesting. will we get it all back???